
Here are all of WebScreenshot.io options and what they do.

Remember you’ll also need to include your API Key and API Secret hash in your query.

Sample GET request to the WebScreenshot.io API:

Screenshot API Options

Option NameDefault ValueDescriptionExample
formatpngDefined before your query string format can be png/jpeg/pdfhttps://api.webscreenshot.io/v1/
pagenullURL of the page you want to screenshot, including https://. Remember to url encode strings if they contain query strings.page=https://google.com
height1080Height of the browser window taking the screenshot.height=600
width1920Width of the browser window taking the screenshot.width=1200
selectornullScreenshot only a specific part of a page. This can be done by selecting a CSS class or ID.selector=.my-div
cssnullAdd CSS to the render, perfect for modifying the page with different styling.css=body{background:red}
hide_selectornullHide a specific element based on a selector.hide_selector=.modal
delaynullDelay the screenshot capture for a specific amount of time in milliseconds.delay=1000
fullpagenullSetting this to true will screenshot the entire page. Note that your width will remain the same but the height of the image will match the output.fullpage=true
uniquenullA unique value designed to break cache. This is useful for example using a date or time if you want to force a new render.unique=05-23-2022
ttl2630000Length that the render should be cached in seconds (default is 1 month if not set). Set this to 0 if you want all renders with that query to be uncached.ttl=30
blockadsnullSet this to true to block ads on the page of the render.blockads=true
timeout30000Set how long the render should try to load the URL, default is 30 seconds.timeout=15000

Template Engine Options (beta)

Option NameDefault ValueDescriptionExample
templatestandard-1Select your template to use, currently we only offer standard-1 but more will be coming soon.
Coming soon: Template browser
template_values1080Variables to pass to the template. Most templates include title, background, and logo by default. Read specific template guidelines for addition variables a template may offer.

This is in the form of JSON and can be used in GET requests.
“name”: “title”,
“text”: “My Headline!”
}, {
“name”: “background”,
“image_url”: “https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1651981101695-219fa3653bf1”
}, {
“name”: “logo”,
“image_url”: “https://webscreenshot.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/webscreenshot-logo.png”